A100 white paper

  • Third generation Tensor Cores
    • Tensor Cores are specialized high-performance compute cores that perform mixed-precision matrix multiply and accumulate calculations in a single operation.
    • Supported data types:
      • INT4
      • binary
      • TensorFloat32 (TF32)
      • IEEE Compliant FP64
      • BFloat16 (BF16) (BF16/FP32 mixed-precision Tensor Core operations perform at the same speed as FP16/FP32 mixed-precision Tensor Core operations)
  • TF32
    • The new TF32 operations run 10X faster than the FP32 FMA operations available with the previous generation data center GPU
    • TF32 combines the range of FP32 with the precision of FP16
    • Compared to FP32 on V100, TF32 on A100 provides over 6X speedup for training the BERT-Large model
    • TF32 is the default mode for TensorFlow, PyTorch and MXNet, starting with NGC Deep Learning Container 20.06 Release
  • Fine-grained Structured Sparsity
    • fine-grained structured sparsity and the 2:4 pattern
    • balanced workload distribution and even utilization of compute nodes
    • structured sparse matrices can be efficiently compressed
    • With fine-grained structured sparsity, INT8 Tensor Core operations on A100 offer 20X more performance than on V100, and FP16 Tensor Core operations are 5X faster than on V100
  • Multi-instance GPU (MIG)
    • spatial partitioning
    • each GPU instance has its own memory, cache, and streaming multiprocessor (isolated GPU memory and physical GPU resources)
  • NVIDIA® NVSwitch
    • Six second-generation nvswitch
    • GPU to GPU communication to peak at 600 GB/s
    • If all GPUs are communicating with each other, the total amount of data transferred peaks at 4.8 TB/s for both directions.
Specs 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation
Number of GPUs with direct connection / node Up to 8 Up to 8 Up to 8
NVSwitch GPU-to-GPU bandwidth 300GB/s 600GB/s 900GB/s
Total aggregate bandwidth 2.4TB/s 4.8TB/s 7.2TB/s
Supported NVIDIA Architectures Volta Ampere Hopper
  • NVIDIA NVLink®
    • Third-generation nvlink
    • Each A100 GPU uses twelve NVLink interconnects to communicate with all six NVSwitches (two links from each GPU to each switch)
Specs 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation
NVLink bandwidth per GPU 300GB/s 600GB/s 900GB/s
Maximum Number of Links per GPU 6 12 18
Supported NVIDIA Architectures Volta Ampere Hopper
  • Mellanox ConnectX-6 HDR
    • 200 Gb/s per port (4 data lanes operating at 50 Gb/s or 200 Gb/s total)
    • 8 single-port Mellanox ConnectX-6 200Gb/s HDR InfiniBand ports (also configurable as 200Gb/s Ethernet ports) providing 3.2 Tb/s of peak bandwidth
    • DGX A100 incorporates a one-to-one relationship between the IO cards and the GPUs, which means each GPU can communicate directly with external sources without blocking other GPUs’ access to the network.
    • DGX A100 includes an additional dual-port ConnectX-6 card that can be used for high-speed connection to external storage
  • PCIe Gen4
    • NVIDIA A100 GPUs are connected to the PCI switch infrastructure over x16 PCI Express Gen 4 (PCIe Gen4) buses that provide 31.5 Gb/s each for a total of 252 Gb/s
    • These are the links that provide access to the Mellanox ConnectX-6, the NVMe storage, and the CPUs.
